Volume 1, Article 1: Editorial: Ecopsychology and Beyond

Volume 1, Article 1

Editorial: Ecopsychology and Beyond: An appreciation of our relationship with Nature
Stephen Palmer

Citation: Palmer, S. (2021). Editorial: Ecopsychology and Beyond: An appreciation of our relationship with Nature. Journal of Ecopsychology, 1, 1, 1-4. https://joe.nationalwellbeingservice.com/volumes/volume-1-2021/volume-1-article-1

Processing dates: Submitted: 16th August 2021; Accepted: 16th August 2021; Published: 28th August 2021

Volume 1, Article 1

Article available for download from ResearchGate.


Welcome to the Journal of Ecopsychology (JoE). The interest in ecopsychology and allied fields has been increasing in recent years as more research has been published finding the health and wellbeing benefits of people becoming more engaged with the natural world through green and blue exercise, forest bathing, and nature based interventions such as eco-coaching. Connecting with nature and protecting the natural environment go hand-in-hand with a changing society with many more people taking seriously the dramatic impact of climate change. Social media has become a popular sharing medium to enable people of all ages around the world to engage with others with similar interests in connecting with nature, climate action and much more. It is at this dynamic confluence, when the transdisciplinary approach of ecopsychology can inform the larger conversation, and perhaps influence the narrative.

Professor Stephen Palmer PhD is Professor of Practice at the Wales Academy for Professional Practice and Applied Research, University of Wales Trinity Saint David and Coordinating Director of the ISCP International Centre for Coaching Psychology Research. He is an Adjunct Professor of Coaching Psychology at Aalborg University, Denmark, Honorary President of the International Society for Coaching Psychology and Director of the International Centre for Ecopsychology, London. Stephen’s professional qualifications include being a Chartered Psychologist, Chartered Biologist and Chartered Scientist with an interest in maintaining the biodiversity of The Planet. He is also a member of the British Ecological Society. Stephen co-edits a number of academic journals and has written or edited over 50 books.
