Editorial Board
Journal of Ecopsychology: Editorial Board
Dr Stephen Palmer PhD CSci CBiol CPsychol FISCP, Aalborg University, Denmark; International Centre for Ecopsychology (England)
Developmental Editor
Dr Siobhain O’Riordan PhD, CPsychol FISCP, Institute of Management and Health, University of Wales Trinity Saint David (Wales), ISCP International Centre for Coaching Psychology Research, & International Centre for Ecopsychology (UK)
Associate Editor
Dr Alison Whybrow PhD CPsychol FISCP, ISCP International Centre for Coaching Psychology Research. (UK) (In Memoriam)
Consulting Editors
Dr Gisele Pereira Dias PhD CPsychol Univesity of Greenwich, London (UK)
Prof Suzy Green DPsyc (Clin) MAPS University of East London (UK), & The Positivity Institute (Australia)
Prof Peter Hawkins Henley Business School, University of Reading (UK)
Dr. Matthew R. Jamnik PhD Department of Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine, Florida State University College of Medicine (USA)
Dr Yasuhiro Kotera PhD University of Derby, Online Learning (UK)
Prof Ho Law PhD CPsychol FISCP Colombo International Institute of Higher Education (CIIHE), (Sri Lanka), & Empsy® Cambridge Coaching Psychology Group (UK)
Dr Yi-Ling Lai PhD CPsychol Department of Organizational Psychology, Birkbeck University of London (UK)
Prof Martin Milton DPsych CSci CPsychol Regent’s University London (UK)
Dr Annalisa Setti, PhD Lecturer in Cognitive Psychology, School of Applied Psychology, University College Cork, Environmental Research Institute, UCC (Ireland)
Dr. Martin Turner PhD CPsychol FAREBT (Acad) Manchester Metropolitan University (UK)
Prof Mary Watts PhD CPsychol City, University of London (UK)
Editorial Office: Sub-Editor
Annie Cree, National Wellbeing Service Ltd (UK)
International Editorial Board
Dr Zelda Di Blasi PhD CPsychol School of Applied Psychology, University College Cork (Ireland)
Dr. Marica Cassarino PhD, M.Ps.S.I., School of Applied Psychology, University College Cork (Ireland)
Jackee Holder MA (UK)
Liz Hall BA Coaching at Work Ltd, (Spain & UK)
Hugh O’Donovan CPsychol., P.s.S.I. MISCP (Ireland)
Maggie Palmer BA Hons Centre for Stress Management (UK)
Sheila Panchal MSc CPsychol Centre for Positive Transitions (UK)
Lesley Roberts MSc Coaching Outdoors (UK)
Rachel Woods MSc Coach in Nature Ltd (UK)